Office heating
- Tertiary glazed areas
- Optimising the comfort of a restaurant room
- French Railway Signal Towers
Signal towers generally are badly insulated buildings with significant glazed surfaces.
Signalman is profession involving major responsibilities and requiring permanent attention. Therefore, good working conditions are essential and, in particular, a good heating system. The electric baseboard system has made it possible to optimise the comfort of the signalmen working in these extreme conditions.
Contemporary office buildings often have entirely glazed facades which generate major thermal constraints.
Contemporary office buildings often have entirely glazed facades which generate major thermal constraints. Sunlight can be compensated by shutter and sun screen systems. In order to stop the cold radiation of the window panes, the ideal solution is to install electric baseboards on their periphery. Today, many installations can be used as references.
Restaurant : Installing an electric baseboard system
Installing an electric baseboard system in a restaurant room enables to optimise space, increase the reception capacity and provide at each table, in each location, the same quality of comfort.
This system is particularly effective and is the ideal solution for closed terraces, whether they are permanent or mobile.